Terms & Conditions


We, the undersigned representatives of business enterprises from India, Canada, and the USA, recognizing the need for collaboration, ethical practices, and sustainability, hereby establish the Indo-Canada-US Business Network (ICUBN). Our shared commitment to fostering positive change in our respective communities and the world at large drives us to work together under the principles outlined in this charter.

Article I: Name and Purpose

  1. The organization shall be known as the “Indo-Canada-US Business Network” (ICUBN).
  2. The purpose of ICUBN is to create a collaborative platform for businesses from India, Canada, and the USA to champion environmental responsibility, societal values, and ethical business practices.

Article II: Membership and Eligibility

  1. Membership is open to all business enterprises that operate in India, Canada, or the USA and align with the ethos of ICUBN.
  2. Prospective members must demonstrate a commitment to implementing and promoting sustainable practices, upholding societal values, and adhering to ethical business conduct.

Article III: Core Ethos

Environmental Responsibility:

  • Members shall actively seek to reduce their ecological footprint through the adoption of sustainable practices. This includes reducing energy consumption, optimizing resource utilization, and minimizing waste generation.
  • Members shall commit to transitioning towards renewable energy sources and implementing energy-efficient technologies.
  • Members shall integrate circular economy principles, promoting the reuse, recycling, and upcycling of materials within their operations.
  • Members shall support conservation efforts and initiatives that mitigate climate change impacts, including afforestation, carbon offset programs, and sustainable transportation solutions.

Societal Values:

  • Members shall embrace diversity and inclusivity within their organizations, promoting equal opportunities for all employees irrespective of gender, ethnicity, or background.
  • Members shall actively engage in community development projects, fostering relationships with local communities and addressing their unique needs.
  • Members shall support education, skill development, and training programs that empower individuals to improve their livelihoods and contribute positively to society.
  • Members shall establish codes of conduct that prohibit discrimination, child labor, and unfair labor practices within their supply chains, ensuring human rights are upheld.

Ethical Business Practices:

  • Members shall uphold transparency and accountability in all business transactions, providing accurate information to customers, investors, and stakeholders.
  • Members shall adhere to fair trade principles, treating suppliers and partners with respect and ensuring that fair compensation is provided for goods and services.
  • Members shall maintain a safe and inclusive workplace environment, focusing on employee well-being, mental health, and professional development.
  • Members shall actively combat bribery, corruption, and unethical business practices, promoting a culture of integrity and honesty.

Article IV: Collaborative Initiatives

Knowledge-Sharing and Best Practices:

  • ICUBN shall establish an online platform for members to share success stories, case studies, and practical insights related to sustainable practices, societal engagement, and ethical conduct.
  • Periodic webinars and workshops shall be conducted to provide a forum for members to discuss challenges, exchange solutions, and learn from each other’s experiences.

Collaborative Projects:

  • ICUBN shall facilitate cross-border collaborations among members for joint initiatives addressing environmental, societal, and ethical issues.
  • Members can collaborate on research projects, pilot programs, and community outreach efforts that align with ICUBN’s core ethos.
  • ICUBN shall encourage partnerships between business organisations and relevant organizations, including NGOs, government agencies, and academic institutions, to amplify the impact of their projects.

Article V: Governance and Leadership

Board of Directors:

  • The Board of Directors shall comprise representatives from various sectors, geographies, and member countries.
  • The Chairperson shall provide strategic leadership, presiding over meetings and representing ICUBN at events and collaborations.
  • The Vice-Chairperson shall support the Chairperson and assume their responsibilities in their absence.

Executive Committee:

  • The Executive Committee members, elected from different member countries, shall oversee specific initiatives and programs aligned with ICUBN’s core ethos.
  • Each Executive Committee member shall be responsible for coordinating activities, setting goals, and reporting progress to the Board of Directors.

Article VI: Membership Cancellation and Suspension

  • ICUBN reserves the right to suspend or cancel a member’s membership if the member’s actions are deemed contrary to the core ethos and principles of the network or due to non-payment of membership dues over the designated period of 30 days.
  • The decision to suspend or cancel a membership shall be taken by the Board of Directors through a simple majority vote after due consideration and consultation with the member.

Article VII: Financial Matters

  • ICUBN’s financial operations shall be conducted transparently, with regular financial reports made available to members.
  • Membership fees and funds shall be used to support ICUBN’s programs, administrative expenses, events, and initiatives aligned with its core ethos.

Article VIII: Amendments and Dissolution

  1. Amendments to this charter shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors.
  2. In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets shall be donated to charitable organizations aligned with ICUBN’s core ethos.

Article IX: Ratification

This charter shall be ratified by a majority vote of the founding members of the Indo-Canada-US Business Network.


We, the members, endorse this charter as a testament to our commitment to embodying environmental responsibility, societal values, and ethical business practices. Through collaborative initiatives and effective governance, the network aims to make a significant and positive impact on businesses, communities, and the world at large.